App Inventor Extensions

Extensions Directory

This page lists all available extensions for App Inventor and its distributions like , WxBit Chinese version, Niotron and Androidbuilder

See the App Inventor Extensions document about how to use an App Inventor Extension. For extension developers, also the document App Inventor Annotations, Adding Helper Blocks to a Component and How to add a Dropdown Block to a Component might be helpful.

For questions about extensions or bug reports, please start a new thread in the App Inventor Extensions forum. For feature requests please contact me by email. To be a sponsor of a new method already is possible starting from only 10 USD! With your contribution you will help the complete App Inventor community. Thank you.

How to avoid runtime errors with the companion app

  1. After importing an extension, please restart the companion app.
  2. If you like to use an extension on a different screen, in Screen1 additionally drag the extension into the working area.

While starting the companion app, all necessary assets and also the imported extensions of your project will be copied to your device. So in case the no such class error shows up, the extension code to run the extension is not available on your device. Without that code the companion app is not able to execute methods from the extension.

In case restarting the companion app does not work for you after trying several times, then as it looks like the only way for you to test you app will be after building it using the apk file.

How to Search the Extensions Directory

Please use the Search feature of your browser to search the extensions directory. Use the keyboard shortcut by pressing Ctrl-F. A find bar will appear. Type a search into the find field. See also the Firefox help or Google Chrome help.

Available Extensions at Pura Vida Apps

Account Manager Extension to get some information about the user

AES Encryption Extension to encrypt/decrypt strings

Alarm Extension to set an alarm or a timer programmatically. Also a repeating alarm is now possible.

Alarm Manager Extension with Notification or Autostart to send a notification at a given time only once, hourly or daily. After clicking the notification your app will be started.You can define a start text, which will be passed to your app in method 'get plain start text' and trigger some action after your app is started. Also of course works if your app is not running. You also can define several alarms, just use a different id for each alarm.

Barometer Sensor Extension to get the current pressure and altitude

Battery Manager Extension to provide battery information

Classic Bluetooth Extension to enable/disable bluetooth without user interaction, scan, pair/unpair devices

Camera Extension to take pictures programmatically without user interaction.

Clipboard Extension to copy/paste text to/from the clipboard

Exif Extension to read and write Exif tags in a JPEG file or a RAW image file.

File Extension is an extension related to the File component

Flashlight Extension to turn on/off the flashlight.

FTP Extension to upload or download files to/from your server via FTP

Headset Plug Status Extension to get the headset plug status.

Hotspot Extension (DEPRECATED) to toggle wifi hotspot on or off.

Image Extension to do some basic image manipulation.

Image Metadata Extension to read the metadata of an image file

Light Sensor Extension to get the illuminance

Location Service Extension. This extension is able to run in the background while your app is closed and stores location data (latitude, longitude and optionally current datetime, altitude, accuracy, speed, current address and provider) in TinyDB.
Also a background web functionality is available
which can be used to send the location data to a web service of your choice using a POST request. This could be used for example to store the location data in a MySQL database or to send an email after a location change was detected while the app is not running.
A notifier will be displayed while the location service is running in the background.

Magnetic Sensor Extension to get magnetic X, Y, Z and absolute field strength

Mail Extension to send emails via SMTP

Math Extension to parse a mathematical expression

Simple Notification Extension (DEPRECATED) to send a notification

Notification Listener Extension to listen to all notifications of your device. This service runs in the backround also if your app is closed. It will listen to all notifications and stores them in TinyDB (aka shared preferences).

Package manager Extension to get information about installed apps and to be able to launch an installed app using a package name.

Pdf Extension to open pdf files and render a specific page (without using an external app).

Settings Extension to get/set the brightness of the display and get/set/play a ringtone

Take Screenshot Extension to take a screenshot

Screenshot Service Extension to capture a screenshot while the app is not running.

Sharing Extension offers the functionality of the Sharing component with some modifications

SMS Receiver Extension to receive SMS while your app is not running and start your app or display a notification.

Speech Recognizer Extension offers the functionality of the Speech Recognizer component and some additional blocks

SQlite Extension to access the local SQlite database

Telephony Manager Extension to get some information from the telephony manager.

Ambient Temperature Sensor Extension to get the ambient temperature in Celcius.

Textbox Extension to get/set cursor position, to highlight text, to have an event, which fires after text changed

Texting Extension, read all SMS from the inbox, draft and sent folders.

Tools Extension, a collection of several tools, which do not need additional permissions.

WiFi Extension offers some useful blocks to use in a wireless lan

Zip Extension to zip/unzip files.

For questions about App Inventor,
please ask in the App Inventor community.Thank you.

Further Extensions on other pages

1. MIT App Inventor




Internet of Things

2. Mad Robots

3. Makeblock

4. Thunkable

Note: I received a message, that these exensions are outdated and are not longer working. Also Thunkable removed the documentation of these extensions.

5. Appybuilder

6. Mika -

The webpage to download the extensions unfortunately does not exist anymore.
But you can still can download them here.

7. Helios aka Vishwas Adiga

Note: The Thunkable community has been closed.
You now can download the free extensions, which have been published there in this MIT App Inventor thread.

Note: You only can use one extension developed by this developer for a specific project. Using more as one extension results in DX execution failed error. The developer seems to be not very interested in fixing this bug for the community, it would take him only 5 minutes... For details see also here.

8. Pavitra

9. Andres Daniel Cotes -

Note: The Appybuilder community has been closed.
You now can download the free extensions, which have been published there in this MIT App Inventor thread.

Note: The Thunkable community has been closed.
You now can download the free extensions, which have been published there in this MIT App Inventor thread.

10. Sander -

Note: Sander does not provide these extensions anymore, because those have been added as components into Kodular.

11. Luke Gackle

Note: The Thunkable community has been closed.
You now can download the free extensions, which have been published there in this MIT App Inventor thread.

12. ILoveThunkable aka Ben aka Moliata

Note: The Thunkable community has been closed.
You now can download the free extensions, which have been published there in this MIT App Inventor thread.

13. Juan Antonio -

14. Jerin Jacob

Note: The Thunkable community has been closed.
You now can download the free extensions, which have been published there in this MIT App Inventor thread.

15. ColinTree -

Note: The Thunkable community has been closed.
You now can download the free extensions, which have been published there in this MIT App Inventor thread.

16. Mirxtrem Apps

Note: The Thunkable community has been closed.
You now can download the free extensions, which have been published there in this MIT App Inventor thread.

17. Red Panda -

Note: The Thunkable community has been closed. All extensions from Red Panda seem to be lost.
You can try to find them here in this MIT App Inventor thread.

18. Jonny Steyver Arroyo Quiroga -

Note: Webpage does not exist anymore

19. Said Dev -

Note: The Thunkable and Appybuilder communites have been closed. All extensions from Said Dev seem to be lost.
You can try to find them here in this MIT App Inventor thread.

20. Carlos Pedroza

Note: The Thunkable community has been closed.
You now can download the free extensions, which have been published there in this MIT App Inventor thread.

21. Tiziano1960

Note: The Thunkable and Appybuilder communities have been closed.
You now can download the free extensions, which have been published there in this MIT App Inventor thread.

22. Kus Zab -

Note: The Thunkable and Appybuilder communites have been closed. All extensions from Kus Zab seem to be lost.
You can try to find them here in this MIT App Inventor thread.

23. crazynsoni

24. Shivendra Kr Sahu

Note: The Thunkable community has been closed. All extensions from Shivendra Kr Sahu seem to be lost.
You can try to find them here in this MIT App Inventor thread.

25. Daniel -

26. Zhangzqs

Note: The Thunkable community has been closed.
You now can download the free extensions, which have been published there in this MIT App Inventor thread.

27. Ivan Moreno

Note: The Thunkable community has been closed. All extensions from Ivan Moreno seem to be lost.
You can try to find them here in this MIT App Inventor thread.

28. Ahmad Mtrd

Note: The Thunkable community has been closed.
You now can download the free extensions, which have been published there in this MIT App Inventor thread.

29. Ken

30. Deep Host - - Deep Host Youtube channel

Note: To be able to get an extension of this developer, you have to download an app from Google Play. Also it looks like he does not update his website anymore, so unfortunately I can't list new extensions anymore.

Note: The developer is not active in the forum and answers only sometimes to emails...

31. Nathan -

32. Aravind Chowdary

Note: The Thunkable and Appybuilder communities have been closed. Further extensions from Aravind Chowdary seem to be lost.
You can try to find them here in this MIT App Inventor thread.

33. Django_s_Android_App

Note: The Thunkable community has been closed.
You now can download the free extensions, which have been published there in this MIT App Inventor thread.

34. Apkdeveloper

Note: The Thunkable community has been closed. All extensions from Apkdeveloper seem to be lost.
You can try to find them here in this MIT App Inventor thread.

35. wanttobe

Note: The Appybuilder community has been closed. All extensions from wanttobe seem to be lost.
You can try to find them here in this MIT App Inventor thread.

36. ScorpioNormal

37. Androteq aka Rachit Singh

Note: The Thunkable community has been closed. All extensions from Androteq seem to be lost.
You can try to find them here in this MIT App Inventor thread.

38. App Droid Development

Note: The Thunkable community has been closed. All extensions from App Droid Development seem to be lost.
You can try to find them here in this MIT App Inventor thread.

39. Marco Tanzi

40. Peter Zhong

Note: The Thunkable community has been closed.
You now can download the free extensions, which have been published there in this MIT App Inventor thread.

41. Abhijith Dominic

42. Cian O'Sullivan

Note: The Thunkable and Appybuilder communities have been closed. Further extensions from Cian seem to be lost.
You can try to find them here in this MIT App Inventor thread.

43. Gobhi Vines

44. Souvik Bera

Note: Unfortunately Souvik Bera removed all threads about his extensions in the Kodular community.

45. Yusuf Cihan

46. Andre Castro

47. cttricks aka Tanish Raj

48. vknow360 aka Sunny Gupta

49. krishjha07

50. wangsk789 aka Kevin Kun

51. DeveloperLeo aka Utkarsh

52. Cristopher Salazar

53. Vedang

54. avmcreators02

55. Preet_Vadaliya

56. BodyMindPower aka Anke

57. Amit_Narwal

58. jarlissonlira2

59. Mateja aka ontstudios

60. DevYB aka Ayoub Mounchid

61. Atom_Developer - aka Krish

62. fahadboss10

63. memopolis aka Guillermo Vidal -, Guillermo_Vidal

64. Flag_Dz

65. Robert

66. varsha aka varsha_naik

67. Srrazmi

Note: It seems to be, this developer is only interested in himself, unfortunately he does not care about any naming conventions.

68. Automate_MyProject aka Hema Srinivas

69. Mohamed_Tamer

70. Arslan_Prince

71. Xoma Kumaraswamy aka Kumar

72. WatermelonIce

73. Matanel325 aka Matanel Shmailov

74. techhamara91

75. airD

76. hemantadahaloficial aka Hemanta Dahal aka im_neodeveloper

77. aditya_chaturvedi

78. sonumohammad333

79. JEWEL aka Jewel Shikder Jony

80. Salman_Dev

81. The_K_Studio aka Kiran M.

82. Ulli

83. Arjan Gupta aka newbiedeveloper

84. Henry Richard

85. aka Aarush Kumar

86. zainulhassan

87. nikzdevz

88. Androking

89. golumaths100 aka Shivam Chouhan

90. Nisarga_Adhikary

91. electrobot_appy

92. Sumit1334 aka Sumit Kumar aka iamwsumit

93. Akshat_Rana

94. oseamiya formerly known as sneha_sharma

95. Mario1


97. Meulencv aka MEULEN

98. vkpdeveloper aka Vaibhav Pathak

99. jaxparrow aka Jack Faith

100. Patryk_F

101. Enderman formerly known as Sashibhusan_Coder

102. UnknownBeast aka Know_About_IT aka LGdeveloper formerly known as RudraFromIndia

103. shanji76242143 aka SHAN AWAN aka Sid_Creative

104. TIMAI2

105. PRATY_PROGRAMME_S_LA aka Pratyush_Dev

106. HritikR

107. Faraz_Firoz1

108. Tsvi

109. Aquib_Khan

110. Logicaldevz


112. Soham_Shah

113. Yashsehgal022 aka Yash_Sehgal22

114. OmerGundogar

115. AppHelper_Studio

116. Alpha2020

117. Balajidev aka ttt

118. Horizon

119. Gordon_Lu

120. SonrajTech

121. joseph222

122. Victor_Ken

123. alegoriasoft aka Felix

124. christian_cesar_quil

125. AyProductions

126. Shreyaa aka Shreya formerly known as Shreya.ig

127. jean-marc_Latour

128. Balajidev

129. rkl099

130. mmnettime

131. mahmoud_hooda

132. Still-learning

133. SHUBHAM69

134. Marco_Perrone

135. annaschawdhary157 aka Annas Chawdhary

136. ashishlambat5

137. ByBug

138. Black_Knight aka Mr. Koder aka _Ahmed

139. mdaarizimam

140. Spicy_Topics

141. Brandon_Ang

142. Kuldeep_Pilaniya1

143. Jinx formerly known as Aditya_Nanda

144. Ezy_aix

145. drijvan

146. Passos_0213

147. Appsbeheerder

148. Riad_Developer aka R2_Store

149. MrBeySoftware

150. rasitech

151. David_Ningthoujam

152. Error-X

153. AyanDeveloper

154. White_Tiger

155. 11119 aka Valery

156. BBL_coding aka Anand_Kumar1

157. futuredev

158. jay_paun_AI

159. Joejsanz

160. silktune

161. hamidolit03

162. devxlabsaka _I1

163. JokDeveloper

164. techxsarthak

165. Professional

166. HarshVardhanSolanki

167. Vishal_Nage1

168. Amr_Kilany

169. User_Enforce

170. TechHamara

171. Ruben_Pietrobelli

172. Boban Stojmenovic

173. Idriss_Chrifi_alaoui

174. SyntaxCore aka Mahir Labib

175. Others

Creative Commons License
This work by Pura Vida Apps is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
with attribution (name=Pura Vida Apps and link to the source site) required.

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