Extensions Directory
This page lists all available extensions for App Inventor
and its distributions like
WxBit Chinese version,
See the App Inventor Extensions document about how to use an App Inventor Extension.
For extension developers, also the document
App Inventor Annotations,
Adding Helper Blocks to a Component and How to add a Dropdown Block to a Component might be helpful.
For questions about extensions or bug reports, please start a new thread in the
App Inventor Extensions forum.
For feature requests please contact me by email.
To be a sponsor of a new method already is possible starting from only 10 USD! With your contribution you will help the complete App Inventor community. Thank you.
How to avoid runtime errors with the companion app
- After importing an extension, please restart the companion app.
- If you like to use an extension on a different screen, in Screen1 additionally drag the extension into the working area.
While starting the companion app, all necessary assets and also the imported extensions of your project will be copied to your device.
So in case the no such class error shows up, the extension code to run the extension is not available on your device.
Without that code the companion app is not able to execute methods from the extension.
In case restarting the companion app does not work for you after trying several times, then as it looks like the only way for you
to test you app will be after building it using the apk file.
How to Search the Extensions Directory
Please use the Search feature of your browser to search the extensions directory.
Use the keyboard shortcut by pressing Ctrl-F. A find bar will appear. Type a search into the find field.
See also the Firefox help or
Google Chrome help.
Alarm Extension to set an alarm or
a timer programmatically. Also a repeating alarm is now possible.
Alarm Manager Extension with Notification or Autostart to send a notification at a given time only once, hourly or daily.
After clicking the notification your app will be started.You can define a start text, which will be passed to your app in method 'get plain start text' and trigger some action
after your app is started. Also of course works if your app is not running. You also can define several alarms, just use a different id for each alarm.
Classic Bluetooth Extension to enable/disable bluetooth without user interaction,
scan, pair/unpair devices
Exif Extension to read and write Exif tags in a JPEG file or a RAW image file.
FTP Extension to upload or download files to/from your server via FTP
Location Service Extension.
This extension is able to run in the background while your app is closed and stores location data
(latitude, longitude and optionally current datetime, altitude, accuracy, speed, current address and provider) in TinyDB.
Also a background web functionality is available which can be used to send the location data to
a web service of your choice using a POST request. This could be used for example to store the location data
in a MySQL database or to send an email after a location change was detected while the app is not running.
A notifier will be displayed while the location service is running in the background.
Simple Notification Extension (DEPRECATED) to send a notification
Notification Listener Extension to listen to all notifications of your device.
This service runs in the backround also if your app is closed. It will listen to all notifications and stores them in TinyDB (aka shared preferences).
Package manager Extension
to get information about installed apps and to be able to launch an installed app using a package name.
Pdf Extension to open pdf files and render a specific page (without using an external app).
Sharing Extension offers the functionality of the Sharing component with some modifications
SMS Receiver Extension to receive SMS while your app is not running and start your app or display a notification.
Textbox Extension
to get/set cursor position, to highlight text, to have an event, which fires after text changed
Tools Extension, a collection of several tools, which do not need additional permissions.
Further Extensions on other pages
Internet of Things
2. Mad Robots
Note: I received a message, that these exensions are outdated and are not longer working. Also Thunkable removed the documentation of these extensions.
The webpage to download the extensions unfortunately does not exist anymore.
But you can still can download them here.
- Simple Mathematics Extension by Mika (Test Extension)
- Body Mass Index Extension by Mika (Test Extension)
- QR Code Extension by Mika
- Special Tools Extension by Mika
- OCR Extension (Version 5) by Mika
- Image Editor Extension by Mika
- Click Listener Extension by Mika (10 USD)
- Gesture Handler Extension by Mika
- Google URL Shortener/Unshortener Extension by Mika (Note: does not work anymore, because goo.gl has been closed)
- Night Mode Extension by Mika, returns true if the device night mode is on.
7. Helios aka Vishwas Adiga
- Extra Components Extension
- Dialogs Extension
- Colors Extension
Note: The Thunkable community has been closed.
You now can download the free extensions, which have been published there in
this MIT App Inventor thread.
Note: You only can use one extension developed by this developer for a specific project. Using more as one extension results in DX execution failed error.
The developer seems to be not very interested in fixing this bug for the community, it would take him only 5 minutes...
For details see also here.
8. Pavitra
9. Andres Daniel Cotes
- andrescotes.github.io
- Camera Viewer Extension
- Dots View Extension
- Evaluator JavaScript Extension
- Horizontal Arrangement Addon Extension
- JSignature Extension
- LED View Extension
- Linkrex.net API Extension
- Material Card Extension
- Notify Extension V1
- Read More Label Extension
- Ripple Effect Extension
- Taps Swipe Loopup Whatsapp Extension
- Tool Time Extension
- W>eb Socket Client Extension
- WordpressDB Extension
- Youtube Extension
- Face Detection Extension
- Gmail Util Extension
- Generate PDF Extension
- DragNDrop Extension
- Encode MD5 Extension
- Web Addon Extension
- Listview Extension
- PaletteColor Extension
Note: The Appybuilder community has been closed.
You now can download the free extensions, which have been published there in
this MIT App Inventor thread.
- Animacion Extension
- Rating Bar Dialog Extension
- Sound Wave Extension
- Android Theme Extension
- Joystick Extension
- Actionbar Extension
- Switch Extension
- Animation Color Background Extension
- Memory Size Extension
- Button Addon Extension
- Snackbar Extension
- UDP Client Extension
- Tabs Extension
- Wheel View Client Extension
- Palette Color Extension
Note: The Thunkable community has been closed.
You now can download the free extensions, which have been published there in
this MIT App Inventor thread.
10. Sander
- sanderjochems.com
- Screen Tools Extension by Sander
- Bluetooth Plus Extension by Sander
- Vibrate Extension by Sander
- Convert Extension by Sander (Test Extension)
- Soundmanager Extension by Sander
Note: Sander does not provide these extensions anymore, because those have been added as components into Kodular.
11. Luke Gackle
- Countdown Extension 21
- Web Viewer Cookie Tools
- WebView Tools
Note: The Thunkable community has been closed.
You now can download the free extensions, which have been published there in
this MIT App Inventor thread.
12. ILoveThunkable aka Ben aka Moliata
- Web Viewer Dialog Extension
- Image Print Extension
- Extended Web Viewer (V2) Extension
- Card View Extension
Note: The Thunkable community has been closed.
You now can download the free extensions, which have been published there in
this MIT App Inventor thread.
13. Juan Antonio
- kio4.com
- Simple Web Server Extension by Juan Antonio
- Delete characters from a text Extension by Juan Antonio
- Get all TinyDB Extension by Juan Antonio to backup TinyDB as Text or JSON format
- Convert integer value to words Extension by Juan Antonio
- TinyDBX Extension by Juan Antonio to use several TinyDBs in an app
- Terminal / Shell Extension by Juan Antonio
- File Explorer Extension (Version 3) by Juan Antonio for Android versions < Android 7
- Tone Generator Extension by Juan Antonio
- Image Picker Extension by Juan Antonio to pick more than 10 images
Note: also the activity starter solution is able to do this, no need for an extension...
- Telefono Datos Extension by Juan Antonio
- Textbox Extension by Juan Antonio
- Label and Image Click Extension by Juan Antonio
- Multitouch Extension by Juan Antonio
- Multitouch in Canvas Extension by Juan Antonio
- Gradient in a Layout Extension by Juan Antonio
- Extension: Create Buttons, Labels, TextBoxes, Sliders by code by Juan Antonio
- Gif animated Extension. Clickable. Transparent Background by Juan Antonio
- For Each Loops Extension by Juan Antonio
- Notification Extension by Juan Antonio
- Get Source code of webpage Extension by Juan Antonio
- Small Camera Extension by Juan Antonio to save the taken picture in a directory of your choice
- Install App Extension by Juan Antonio
- Extension to get all WiFi IP of a local net by Juan Antonio
- Extension to get Date and Time from a NTP server by Juan Antonio
- Extension: Create WebViewer by code, Zoom etc. by Juan Antonio
- Extension to zoom, rotate, drag an image by Juan Antonio (7 USD)
- Another Whatsapp Extension by Juan Antonio
- Extension: Create TextBox by code. Set and Get text by Juan Antonio
- Get microphone sound level Extension by Juan Antonio
- Get frequency tone microphone Extension by Juan Antonio
- Gzip and Zip Extension by Juan Antonio
- Create Animated Gif Extension by Juan Antonio
- Create Pdf file Extension, Layout to Pdf by Juan Antonio
- LocationSensor Extension. Accuracy. Geocoder. GeomagneticField by Juan Antonio
- NMEA Extension to get location/NMEA data ($GNGGA and $GPGGA) by Juan Antonio
- TinyWebDB with PHP and Extension to Encrypt data by Juan Antonio
- Slider vertical and Slider with 2 ranges Extension by Juan Antonio
- Custom Keyboard Extension by Juan Antonio
- Drag Layout, Rotate, Set Position, Drag Component Extension by Juan Antonio
- TransportNet Extension by Juan Antonio to check if the data transport comes via WiFi or Cellular
- Base64 Extension by Juan Antonio
- JSON Decode JSON Path Extension by Juan Antonio to get the value easily
- Dynamic Graph, Shift left graph, Sinusoidal wave Extension by Juan Antonio
- Compare Images pixel by pixel Extension by Juan Antonio
- Evaluate JavaScript Extension by Juan Antonio
- ImagePicker Extension by Juan Antonio
- Keep the app running Extension by Juan Antonio
- Floating Point and other COnversions Extension by Juan Antonio
- Get all TinyDB Extension by Juan Antonio to save TinyDB content to CloudDB
- Client FTP Extension by Juan Antonio to create web server, ftp server in PC with small file 194kb
14. Jerin Jacob
- JsonUtils Extension by Jerin Jacob
- Particles Extension by Jerin Jacob to create particles /confetti animation (5 USD)
- WhatsApp Sticker Extension by Jerin Jacob (15 USD) to create and add sticker packs to WhatsApp dynamically
- Airtable Classic Extension
- Half Menu 3D Extension
- Explode Animation Extension
- Flip Share Extension
- Infinite Progress Bars Extension
- Pulse Animator Extension
- PDF Tools
Note: The Thunkable community has been closed.
You now can download the free extensions, which have been published there in
this MIT App Inventor thread.
15. ColinTree
- github.com/OpenSourceAIX
- System Language Extension by ColinTree, a very simple extension to get the system language
- Notifier Extension by ColinTree, a very simple extension to display an Android notifier
- Math Extended Extension by ColinTree provides a few math operations
- Math Extension by ColinTree (a copy of the math extended extension with shortened function names)
- IMEI Extension by ColinTree, a very simple extension to provide the IMEI
- Go Home Extension by ColinTree, a very simple extension to move the current app to the background
- First Run Extension by ColinTree (Test Extension)
- TinyDB Editable Extension by ColinTree
- Scroll Arrangement Handlers Extensions
- Json Utils Extensions
- Swipe Refresh Extension
- Password Visibility Switching Extension
- Asynchronous Image Loader Extension
- Slideshow (Carousel) Extension
- Nine Patch Support Extension
- Autocomplete TextBox Extension
- Baidu Translate Extension
- Event Caller Extension
- ColinTree ListView Extensions
Note: The Thunkable community has been closed.
You now can download the free extensions, which have been published there in
this MIT App Inventor thread.
16. Mirxtrem Apps
- Firebase Authentication Extension
Note: The Thunkable community has been closed.
You now can download the free extensions, which have been published there in
this MIT App Inventor thread.
17. Red Panda
- redpandablog.tk
Note: The Thunkable community has been closed. All extensions from Red Panda seem to be lost.
You can try to find them here in
this MIT App Inventor thread.
18. Jonny Steyver Arroyo Quiroga
- mitextensions.esy.es
Note: Webpage does not exist anymore
19. Said Dev
- https://www.aix-extensions.fr
Note: The Thunkable and Appybuilder communites have been closed. All extensions from Said Dev seem to be lost.
You can try to find them here in
this MIT App Inventor thread.
20. Carlos Pedroza
- SQLite Extension
- Thumbnail Extension
- Polyline Tools
- Shortcut Badger
- Circular Progress
Note: The Thunkable community has been closed.
You now can download the free extensions, which have been published there in
this MIT App Inventor thread.
21. Tiziano1960
- Scheduler Notification Extension
- Notification To Status Bar Extension
Note: The Thunkable and Appybuilder communities have been closed.
You now can download the free extensions, which have been published there in
this MIT App Inventor thread.
22. Kus Zab
- naritacomp.blogspot.com
Note: The Thunkable and Appybuilder communites have been closed. All extensions from Kus Zab seem to be lost.
You can try to find them here in
this MIT App Inventor thread.
23. crazynsoni
24. Shivendra Kr Sahu
Note: The Thunkable community has been closed. All extensions from Shivendra Kr Sahu seem to be lost.
You can try to find them here in
this MIT App Inventor thread.
25. Daniel
- appinventordaniel.jimdo.com/
26. Zhangzqs
- QR Code Creator Extension
- Image Interceptor Viewer (Cropper) Extension
- Color Picker Extension
- KeyEvent Extension
- Web UI
Note: The Thunkable community has been closed.
You now can download the free extensions, which have been published there in
this MIT App Inventor thread.
27. Ivan Moreno
Note: The Thunkable community has been closed. All extensions from Ivan Moreno seem to be lost.
You can try to find them here in
this MIT App Inventor thread.
28. Ahmad Mtrd
Note: The Thunkable community has been closed.
You now can download the free extensions, which have been published there in
this MIT App Inventor thread.
29. Ken
30. Deep Host
- https://deephost.in/
- Deep Host Youtube channel
Note: To be able to get an extension of this developer, you have to download an app from Google Play.
Also it looks like he does not update his website anymore, so unfortunately I can't list new extensions anymore.
Note: The developer is not active in the forum and answers only sometimes to emails...
31. Nathan
- github.com/FlailingOctopus
32. Aravind Chowdary
Note: The Thunkable and Appybuilder communities have been closed. Further extensions from Aravind Chowdary seem to be lost.
You can try to find them here in
this MIT App Inventor thread.
33. Django_s_Android_App
Note: The Thunkable community has been closed.
You now can download the free extensions, which have been published there in
this MIT App Inventor thread.
34. Apkdeveloper
Note: The Thunkable community has been closed. All extensions from Apkdeveloper seem to be lost.
You can try to find them here in
this MIT App Inventor thread.
35. wanttobe
Note: The Appybuilder community has been closed. All extensions from wanttobe seem to be lost.
You can try to find them here in
this MIT App Inventor thread.
36. ScorpioNormal
37. Androteq aka Rachit Singh
Note: The Thunkable community has been closed. All extensions from Androteq seem to be lost.
You can try to find them here in
this MIT App Inventor thread.
38. App Droid Development
Note: The Thunkable community has been closed. All extensions from App Droid Development seem to be lost.
You can try to find them here in
this MIT App Inventor thread.
39. Marco Tanzi
- ImageMap Extension by Marco
- WordCloud Extension by Marco
- Word to Number and vice versa language Extension by Marco
- Google Dictionary Extension by Marco
- Image Mask Extension by Marco
- Background Image Pattern Extension by Marco
- Avatar Extension by Marco
- ImgBB Host Extension by Marco to store images in the internet
- 360View Extension by Marco to map a shericl field of vidw to a flat image
- 360Viewer with Youtube and Facebook Extension by Marco and RudraFromIndia
- FlipBook Extension by Marco
- Image Slider Extension by Marco and RudraFromIndia
- FancyGallery Extension by Marco
- Youtube Video Gallery Extension by Marco
- Expanding Card Extension by Marco
- Image Wall 3D Extension by Marco and RudraFromIndia to show images as paintings
- AsciiArt Extension by Marco
- Filterable Image Gallery Extension by Marco
- Old Years 80 Players Extension by Marco
- CodiceFiscale Extension by Marco to obtain the italian tax code
- PeriodicTable Extension by Marco
- Switch Case Extension by Marco
- Customizable SpinWheel Extension by Marco (shareware, paid version by PM)
- Widgy cool widgets Extension by Marco (2 EUR each, all for 15 USD): CsvTable,
ImagesViewer, Music Player, Password Generator, QrCode Generator, Url Loader, View Pdf, Web Radio,
Word Cloud, YouTube Video, Calculator, Digital Clock with alarm, Calendar, Forecast, Analog Clock
- Tarot Card Extension by Marco
AdvancedCssFilters Extension by Marco
ImageCartoonize Extension by Marco (free/3 EUR for registered version)
40. Peter Zhong
- Color Extension
- Security Extension
Note: The Thunkable community has been closed.
You now can download the free extensions, which have been published there in
this MIT App Inventor thread.
41. Abhijith Dominic
42. Cian O'Sullivan
Note: The Thunkable and Appybuilder communities have been closed. Further extensions from Cian seem to be lost.
You can try to find them here in
this MIT App Inventor thread.
43. Gobhi Vines
- Simple Maths Extension by Gobhi Vines (test extension) - lost extension, Thunkable Classic community has been closed
- Random Digit Extension by Gobhi Vines to return a 6 digit random number (test extension)
44. Souvik Bera
Note: Unfortunately Souvik Bera removed all threads about his extensions in the Kodular community.
- Get Location Details Extension by Souvik Bera
- Social Media Tools Extensio by Souvik Bera
- Email SMTP Extension by Souvik Bera
- Custom Listview Extension by Souvik Bera (5 USD)
45. Yusuf Cihan
46. Andre Castro
47. cttricks aka Tanish Raj
48. vknow360 aka Sunny Gupta
- DistanceCalc Extension: Calculate distance between two places using the Haversine formula by vknow360
- FileTools Extension by vknow360
- DateTools Extension by vknow360
- Way2Sms Extension by vknow360
- PkgUtils Extension by vknow360, some tools to work with Package
- Extension to read and create QR code offline by vknow360
- Asymmetric Cryptography Extension by vknow360
- Custom WebView Extension by vknow360
- Net Extension by vknow360 to get some information about network
- EFile Extension by vknow360, this is a copy of the MIT App Inventor file component, without requesting permissions
- HtmUtils Extension by vknow360, an utils extension to work with HTML
- ScreenRecorder Extension by vknow360
- VideoUtil Extension by vknow360 to get some information from a video including thumbnail
- Extension to add Deep Link support by vknow360, just add your desired scheme and host and build your individual extension
- ScrollHandler Extension by vknow360 to handle the scroll of scroll views
- Filey Extension by vknow360 to Encode and Decode Files
- BT. An extension to work with Bluetooth by vknow360
- LogReader Extension by vknow360 as alternative for logcat to debug a project
- SmtpCLient Extension by vknow360 to send emails using SMTP server
- Hide/Sow System UI Extension by vknow360
- Picasso Extension by vknow360 to load images with Picasso
- FTPClient Extension by vknow360 (5 USD) to communicate to remote server
- Contacts Saver Extension by vknow360 to add contacts to phone without opening Contacts app
- SFTP Client Extension by vknow360 (6 USD) to use SSHv2
- Volume Events Extension by vknow360 to listen to volume change events
- Cloudinary Extension by vknow360 to upload files to Cloudinary
- StorageUtils Extension by vknow360
- IMAP Client Extension by vknow360 (6 USD) to read emails from IMAP server
- Image Capture Extension by vknow360 including Cancel option
- Calendar View Extension by vknow360 to make simple calendar views
- Flipper View Extension by vknow360 to flip the views
- VerticalViewPager Extension by vknow360
- Google Drive Extension by vknow360 (8 USD)
- Google Drive Extension (Extended version) by vknow360 (15 USD)
- Byte Operations Extension by vknow360
- SAF Extension by vknow360 to use the Storage Access Framework
- SmsAppTools Extension by vknow360 to enable app as default SMS app
- USB Detector Extension by vknow360
- Recaptcha Extension by vknow360 to verify users with reCAPTCHA
- MediaMux Extension by vknow360 (10 USD) to manipulate audio and video files
- Microsoft Translator Extension by vknow360 to translate text with Microsoft Translation API
- Flip/Mirror images Extension by vknow360
- CameraIntent Extension by vknow360
- ShaFingerprint Extension by vknow360 to get sha1 fingerprint certificate of app
- AWS S3 Client Extension by vknow360 (10 USD) for using AWS S3 and similar Storage Services such as DigitalOcean Spaces.
- QR Code Scanner from file Extension by vknow360
- MicrosoftTranslator Extension by vknow360 to translate text with Microsoft Translation API
- PdfBook Extension by vknow360 (11 USD) to create eBooks
- AudioVisualizer Extension by vknow360 for creating audio visualisation effects
- InAppBIlling Extension V6 by vknow360 (6 USD)
- PdfZ Extension by vknow360 (8 USD), an optimized and feature-rich PDF Viewer
- ScrollHandler Extension by vknow360 to handle the scroll of Scroll Views
- FileProtection Extension by vknow360 to protect your files
- SimpleDrive Extension by vknow360 (5 USD) to work with Google Drive using Apps Script
- OneSignalPush Extension by vknow360 to integrate One Signal SDK (5.0.0) in your app to send push notifications
- MicrosoftTTS Extension by vknow360 to convert text to audio using Microsoft TextToSpeech API
- Image Labelling Extension by vknow360 (8 USD) to label images with ML Kit
- TarsosDSP Extension by vknow360
- FStorage Extension by vknow360, Firebase Storage simplified
- MlTBRek Extension by vknow360 (8 USD) to recognize text and barcode offline uding ML Kit
- ImageLabelling Extension by vknow360 (8 USD) to label images with ML Kit
- Device Fingerprint Extension by vknow360 to uniquely identify devices
- FCM Extension by vknow360 (10 USD) to send and receive push notifications with Firebae Cloud Messaging
- Service to create Manifest Extension by vknow360, go directly to the
manifest editor.
- Image Crop Extension by vknow360, uses crop feature of default camera
- Clickable Arrangement Extension by vknow360
- MicrosoftTTS Extension by vknow360 to convert text to audio using Microsoft TextToSpeech API
- ScanKit Extension by vknow360 (8 USD), an AI enabled feaature-rich document scanner
- AdmobAds Extension by vknow360 (6 USD)
- OneSignalPush Extension by vknow360 (10 USD)
- DigitalInk Extension by vknow360 (10 USD), a handwritten text recognizer and gesture classifier
- OpenVPN Extension by vknow360 (15 USD), connect with VPN server using .ovpn files
ImageSegmentation Extension by vknow360 (8 USD) to remove background from image using AI
UnityAds Extension by vknow360 (6 USD)
Compress Image Extension by vknow360
- 2024-06
FAnalytics Extension by vknow360 (8 USD) to implement Firebase Analytics features in your app
- 2024-06
CashfreePG Extension by vknow360 (8 USD) to add Cashfree Payment Gateway in your app
- 2024-06
VcmSender Extension by vknow360 (5 USD) to send FCM notifications and messages using latest HTTP V1 API
- 2024-07
FirebaseIAM Extension by vknow360 (5 USD), in app messaging
49. krishjha07
50. wangsk789 aka Kevin Kun
51. DeveloperLeo aka Utkarsh
52. Cristopher Salazar
53. Vedang
54. avmcreators02
55. Preet_Vadaliya
56. BodyMindPower aka Anke
57. Amit_Narwal
58. jarlissonlira2
59. Mateja aka ontstudios
60. DevYB aka Ayoub Mounchid
61. Atom_Developer
- atomdeveloper.com aka Krish
62. fahadboss10
63. memopolis aka Guillermo Vidal
- openqbit.com
- Mini Blockly Chain extensions by Open Qbit: OpenQbitAESEncryption, OpenQbitAESDecryption,
OpenQbitAEStoString, OpenQbitEncDecData, OpenQbitFileHash, OpenQbitRSA, OpenQbitSSHClient,
OpenQbitStringHash, OpenSQLite, OpenQbitBlock extensions.
Mini BlocklyChain is a fully functional blockchain is a technology developed for Android mobile phones
that will be the nodes that will perform in sending and receiving transactions.
- QRNG - Quantum Random Number Generator Extension by Open Qbit
- Extension P2P for WiFi and Direct Internet support IP static and Dynamic, NAT, routers, etc by Open Qbit
- Extension for security encryption and decryption for files and messages with MiniPQC (Post-Quantum Cryptography) by Open Qbit
- Ethereum Extension by Open Qbit for transaction with crypto currency Ethereum
64. Flag_Dz
65. Robert
66. varsha aka varsha_naik
67. Srrazmi
Note: It seems to be, this developer is only interested in himself, unfortunately he does not care about any
naming conventions.
68. Automate_MyProject aka Hema Srinivas
69. Mohamed_Tamer
70. Arslan_Prince
71. Xoma Kumaraswamy aka Kumar
72. WatermelonIce
73. Matanel325 aka Matanel Shmailov
74. techhamara91
75. airD
76. hemantadahaloficial
aka Hemanta Dahal aka im_neodeveloper
77. aditya_chaturvedi
78. sonumohammad333
79. JEWEL aka Jewel Shikder Jony
80. Salman_Dev
81. The_K_Studio aka Kiran M.
- BMI Calculator Extension by The_K_Studio (Test Extension)
- ByteTools Extension by The_K_Studio (Test Extension)
- Countdown Extension by The_K_Studio
- IP Checker Extension by The_K_Studio
- ListUtilz Extension by The_K_Studio
- EllipsizeLabel Extension by The_K_Studio to truncate the given label text to fit in the given max lines.
- DropboxLink Extension by The_K_Studio to get Dropbox and GDRive direct file download link
- ASD Downloader Extension by The_K_Studio to download and manage files in ASD
- Country Picker Extension by The_K_Studio
- Text Animator Extension by The_K_Studio
- Custom List Picker Extension by The_K_Studio
- Password Validator Extension by The_K_Studio
Image ListView Extension by The_K_Studio, a fully customizable listview
Async Image Extension by The_K_Studio, a simple asynchronous image loader
Miscellaneous Extensions by The_K_Studio: BackToExit, SimpleToast, CheckboxUtilities, WallpaperTools,
EllipsizeLabel, TextScroller, Json2Dictionary, PasswordValidator, DeveloperSettings, TimeSettings, AppLauncher, IpChecker,
Countdown, ExtraUtilities, DropboxLink, HapticFeedback, NetworkStatus, BorderView
Progress Bar Extension by The_K_Studio to create linear and circular progress bar
CSV Reader Extension by The_K_Studio to work with CSV files
82. Ulli
83. Arjan Gupta aka newbiedeveloper
84. Henry Richard
85. luv.ak.tech aka Aarush Kumar
86. zainulhassan
87. nikzdevz
88. Androking
89. golumaths100 aka Shivam Chouhan
90. Nisarga_Adhikary
91. electrobot_appy
92. Sumit1334 aka Sumit Kumar aka iamwsumit
93. Akshat_Rana
94. oseamiya formerly known as sneha_sharma
95. Mario1
97. Meulencv aka MEULEN
98. vkpdeveloper aka Vaibhav Pathak
99. jaxparrow aka Jack Faith
100. Patryk_F
101. Enderman formerly known as Sashibhusan_Coder
102. UnknownBeast aka Know_About_IT aka LGdeveloper formerly known as RudraFromIndia
- Text Typewriter Extension by Know_About_IT
- Dictionary Extension by RudraFromIndia
- Mail Sender Extension by RudraFromIndia
- Facebook Ads Extension by Know_About_IT (unknown price)
- Ironsource Ads Extension by Know_About_IT and sneha_sharma
- Vungle Ads Extension by Know_About_IT and sneha_sharma
- Callie Extension by Know_About_IT, make calendar view easily
- Flubbie Extension by Know_About_IT to animate components
- Darkie Extension by RudraFromIndia to disable Dark mode for your views
- Fire Analytics Extension by RudraFromIndia to add Firebase Analytics to your apps
- DevyInfo Extension by RudraFromIndia to get device information
- Numby Extension by RudraFromIndia, a number picker
- Smiley Extension by RudraFromIndia, an animated rating system
- Wavie Extension by RudraFromIndia, add wave animation to app
- Tapjoy Extension by RudraFromIndia (9 USD)
- Clockie Extension by RudraFromIndia, an analogue clock widget for apps
- BeatingView Extension by RudraFromIndia, to show beat animation for images
- Wave Loader Extension by RudraFromIndia, to display Loading Wave Progress on Images
- Flaskie Extension by RudraFromIndia, a flask loading view
- Lottie Animations Extension by RudraFromIndia, add animations to your app
- InMobi Ads Extension by LGdeveloper (350 INR)
- Admob & Admanager Ads Extension by RudraFromIndia
- Bling Animation Extension by UnknownBeast
- Scratcherr Extension by UnknownBeast (2.67 USD), a scratchcard for your apps
- Spinerrr Extension by UnknownBeast (6.71 USD), a spin and win system
- Code Editor and Highlighter Extension by UnknownBeast (unknown price)
- Roulette Extension by UnknownBeast (2.67 USD)
- Piano View Extension by UnknownBeast
- Detecter Extension by UnknownBeast to detect OTPs automatically
- Navvy Extension by UnknownBeast, a bottom navigation
- ML Kit Scanner Extension by UnknownBeast (unknown price) to scan barcodes offline with precision
- ML Kit Image Labelling Extension by UnknownBeast (unknown price)
- Speedie Extension by UnknownBeast to add a speedometer widget
- Tetris Extension by Know_About_IT
- Bluetooth Toggle Extension by Know_About_IT
- Ironsource Ads Extension by UnknownBeast (unknown price) to add bidding support for Facebook Ads
- Tapjoy Ads Extension by UnknownBeast (unknown price)
- Admob Ads Extension by UnknownBeast (unknown price)
- Google Maps Pro Extension by UnknownBeast (10 USD)
- Wally Extension by UnknownBeast, a customizable wallpaper manager (unknown price)
- VideoWatermarker Extension by UnknownBeast (unknown price)
- Equalizer Extension by UnknownBeast (unknown price) to play sounds with effects
- FTP Extension by Know_About_IT
- Anti Mod Extension by UnknownBeast (unknown price) to detext if your app is modded
- Fused Location Extension by UnknownBeast (unknown price)
- Video Compress Extension by UnknownBeast (unknown price)
- Firebase Dynamic Links Extension by UnknownBeast (unknown price) to add a referral system to your app
- Video Trimmer Extension by UnknownBeast (unknown price) to trim videos with customizable UI
- Ayet Studio: Offerwall Extension by UnknownBeast (unknown price)
- Exploder Extension by UnknownBeast, an explosion animation
ML Kit Text Recognition Extension by Know_About_IT to recognize text offline
103. shanji76242143 aka SHAN AWAN aka Sid_Creative
104. TIMAI2
105. PRATY_PROGRAMME_S_LA aka Pratyush_Dev
106. HritikR
107. Faraz_Firoz1
108. Tsvi
109. Aquib_Khan
110. Logicaldevz
112. Soham_Shah
113. Yashsehgal022 aka Yash_Sehgal22
- Spelling Corrector Extension by Yash_Sehgal22. Note: this extension uses an API on a server, so if that server goes down, the extension will not work anymore.
- Weather Mate Extension by Yash_Sehgal22. Note: Before using the extension you should read this.
- Vulord Extension by Yash_Sehgal22 to hide vulgar words. Note: this extension uses a Python module on a server, so if that server goes down, the extension will not work anymore.
114. OmerGundogar
115. AppHelper_Studio
116. Alpha2020
117. Balajidev aka ttt
118. Horizon
119. Gordon_Lu
120. SonrajTech
121. joseph222
122. Victor_Ken
123. alegoriasoft aka Felix
124. christian_cesar_quil
125. AyProductions
126. Shreyaa aka Shreya formerly known as Shreya.ig
127. jean-marc_Latour
128. Balajidev
129. rkl099
130. mmnettime
131. mahmoud_hooda
- Number Checker - Prime, Even, Odd Extension by mahmoud_hooda
- Hihri date for Muslim Extension by mahmoud_hooda
- EasyDeviceInfo Extension by mahmoud_hooda
- RulerPicker Extension by mahmoud_hooda, Android custom view that uses ruler for picking the number from given range
- Vimeo Video and Thumbnail Downloader Extension by mahmoud_hooda
- DeviceYear Extension by mahmoud_hooda to analyzes an Android device's specifications and calculates
which year the device would be considered "high end", Note that the maximum year returned is 2016 as the underlying library has archived
- DintDate Extension by mahmoud_hooda to handle dates as easy as you handle simpe integers
- PhoneTools Extension by mahmoud_hooda
- Similarity Extension by mahmoud_hooda to calculate similarity score between two strings
- AndroidVolume Extension by mahmoud_hooda to control the volume of different stream types
- UrlMetaData Extension by mahmoud_hooda to get meta data of a webpage
- CircleAnimation Extension by mahmoud_hooda
- RippleView Extension by mahmoud_hooda to get ripple effect for any component
- JellySwitchButton Extension by mahmoud_hooda
- CustomShadow Extension by mahmoud_hooda to make shadow like neon
- SpeechRecognitionView Extension by mahmoud_hooda to make view style animation for speech record
- Slider Color Picker Extension by mahmoud_hooda (1 USD) to create custom slider bar with choose color
- ViewCharging Extension by mahmoud_hooda
- Line Seekbar Extension by mahmoud_hooda
- SlackView Extension by mahmoud_hooda to create slack loading view
- CubeView Extension by mahmoud_hooda to create cube loading view
- 2048 Puzzle Game Extension by mahmoud_hooda
- Painter Extension by mahmoud_hooda (unknown price) to create custom draw with a lot of functions
- PowerView Extension by mahmoud_hooda, a charging view
- SnakeLine Extension by mahmoud_hooda, to create an animated linear chart
- Fit TextView Extension by mahmoud_hooda, to automatically resize text to fit perfectly within its bounds
- DiscoverImageView Extension by mahmoud_hooda
- ScreenOffTime Extension by mahmoud_hooda to change screen sleep time
- DrawLoading Extension by mahmoud_hooda to draw animation with 11 shapes and colors
- CaptchaImg Extension by mahmoud_hooda to generate captcha image
- FallingView Extension by mahmoud_hooda to generate a shapes fall effect
- BlurLoadingImg Extension by mahmoud_hooda to load image with progress loading and blur etc
- TimerUI Extension by mahmoud_hooda
- Arc Extension by mahmoud_hooda to create arc transition animation
- WebCodeView Extension by mahmoud_hooda to preview code in webview with styles
- Lamp Extension by mahmoud_hooda to handle device flash as torch
- Flash Extension by mahmoud_hooda for front/rear flash
- Face Rate Extension by mahmoud_hooda, drag up and down to rate
- Sensory Extension by mahmoud_hooda (8.50 USD), offers several sensors in one extension
- Painter Pro Extension by mahmoud_hooda (price Depends on your country and other things)
- BrokenHeart Extension by mahmoud_hooda to provide broken heart animation
- UncoverLayers Extension by mahmoud_hooda to uncover layers and display them like a 3D model
- PaperShredder Extension by mahmoud_hooda to create paper shredder animation
- CoolRefreshView Extension by mahmoud_hooda for listview and vertical arrangements
- ActivitySlideBack Extension by mahmoud_hooda to allow your page to support sliding back
- Glitch Extension by mahmoud_hooda to make glitch effect on full screen, text and image
- Circle Shape Extension by mahmoud_hooda
- Cover View Extension by mahmoud_hooda to use with the music player
- PanningAnimView Extension by mahmoud_hooda, a horizontal and vertical panning view
- PdfBitmapRenderer Extension by mahmoud_hooda, convert pdf file to image
- AES-256-CBC Encryption Decryption Extension by mahmoud_hooda
- NotifyEffect Extension by mahmoud_hooda to create and manage customizable popup window lists
- PopUpWindow Extension by mahmoud_hooda
- ZipPro Extension by mahmoud_hooda (8.50 - 10 USD depending on country)
- Frames Animation Extension by mahmoud_hooda to create and play frame-based animations
- Fruitask Database Extension by mahmoud_hooda, an Airtable/Baserow/Google Spreadsheets alternative
- Custom Animations Extension by mahmoud_hooda
- MuslimSalat - Get Prayer times for Muslim Extension by mahmoud_hooda
- Android Palette Color API Extension by mahmoud_hooda to extract colors from an image
- Simple Bar Extension by mahmoud_hooda
- SMS Pro Extension by mahmoud_hooda to send and read sms (10 USD)
- 2024-06
Isometric Drawing Shapes (Cylinder, Knot, Octahedron, Prism, Pyramid and Stairs) and Paths (Circle, Rectangle and Star) Extension by mahmoud_hooda for rendering 3D-like objects on a 2D plane
- 2024-07
Easy Paths Extension by mahmoud_hooda to simplify file path handling, both internal and external storage
- 2024-07
AndroidVolume Extension by mahmoud_hooda
132. Still-learning
133. SHUBHAM69
134. Marco_Perrone
135. annaschawdhary157 aka Annas Chawdhary
136. ashishlambat5
137. ByBug
138. Black_Knight aka Mr. Koder aka _Ahmed
139. mdaarizimam
140. Spicy_Topics
141. Brandon_Ang
142. Kuldeep_Pilaniya1
143. Jinx formerly known as Aditya_Nanda
144. Ezy_aix
145. drijvan
146. Passos_0213
147. Appsbeheerder
- RegEx Extension by Appsbeheerder
- Hashing with Pbkdf2 Extension by Appsbeheerder
- Base conversions Extension by Appsbeheerder to change numbers from one base into another, Base64, hex, binary, ascii and more
- House Of Hashing - SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA348, SHA512 hashing and HMAC (Hashed Message Authentication Codes) Extension by Appsbeheerder
Screenshot Protector Extension by Appsbeheerder to enable, disable, toggle possibility for screenshots and screen recording
RSA asymetric cryptography Extension by Appsbeheerder
148. Riad_Developer aka R2_Store
149. MrBeySoftware
150. rasitech
151. David_Ningthoujam
152. Error-X
153. AyanDeveloper
154. White_Tiger
155. 11119 aka Valery
156. BBL_coding aka Anand_Kumar1
157. futuredev
158. jay_paun_AI
159. Joejsanz
160. silktune
161. hamidolit03
162. devxlabs
163. JokDeveloper
164. Others
- Client TCP Extension by Jean-Rodolphe Letertre (Version,
see also the discussion here
- SMB Manager Extension by Jörg Hüneburg
to list all files and folders of smb share (windows shared folder) and to copy a local file to smb share
- Image Base64 Extension by Sivagiri_Visakan
- Sunset/rise Extension by marzukalhashimi - web.archive.org link, Thunkable Classic community has been closed
- Activity Starter Extension by pepemont, which additionally is able to pass boolean and long values,
updated version by Sergio
- Workdays Extension by Gabryk to calculate the number of working days between 2 given dates - web.archive.org link, Appybuilder community has been closed
- Mp3 Metadata Extension by enaixpeend - web.archive.org link, Thunkable Classic community has been closed
- Bitwise Extension by Nathan_P to do bitwise operations - web.archive.org link, Thunkable Classic community has been closed
- Advanced Location Sensor Extension by Niclas Gins
- SuperRewards Extension by ozonostudio
- Yes another SQlite Extension by frdfsnight
- Enhance.co Extension by enhance.co - web.archive.org link, Thunkable Classic community has been closed
- GUI and Animation Extension by Tomislav Tomsic
- FTP Extension by Dramon Reyes (6 USD or 6 EUR) - web.archive.org link, Thunkable Classic community has been closed
- WAV sound recorder Extension by G10DRAS
- Call Android API from string experimental Extension by actech - web.archive.org link, Thunkable Classic community has been closed
- Extension to change Ad unit Id for AdMob Rewarded Video Ads and Interstitial Ads by app191852 (30 EUR)
- Dual SIM IMEI Viewer Extension by Sakis K - web.archive.org link, Thunkable Classic community has been closed
- Time converter Extension by xnbx2012 (Test extension) - web.archive.org link, Thunkable Classic community has been closed
- (Another) Device Info Extension by SamuelNg
- Ethereum Extension by Ethereum foundation, documentation see
- Pdf Tool Extension (Version 2) by Andro King - web.archive.org link, Appybuilder community has been closed
- JSON Decoding Extension by yamafu - web.archive.org link, Appybuilder community has been closed
- AWS AI Services Extension by Ceyhun Özgün including a chat-bot generation service called Amazon Lex,
a text-to-speech service called Amazon Polly, an image and video recognition service called Amazon Rekognition and a language translation service called Amazon Translate
- (Another) Android ID Extension by hackinggyann000
- Flurry Analytics Extension by DevMaster - web.archive.org link, Appybuilder community has been closed
- Math Extension by Idgomez - web.archive.org link, Thunkable Classic community has been closed
- WhatsApp Sticker Extension by apk_developer aka Akatsuki Team (paid) - web.archive.org link, Thunkable Classic community has been closed
- Machine Learning For Kids Extension by machinelearningforkids.co.uk
- Extension to ask user to input his password before performing some action by Federico_Morrone
- Online DocViewer and Alternative PdfViewer Online Extension by project1kangris2018
- Phase - Animations made easy! Extension for Kodular, Extension for MIT App Inventor by Shreyash
- Text to emoji font Extension by elmanhossendev
Note: to get that extension, you first have to download an app from Google Play.
- Status Bar Text Color Extension by nitinseshadri
- Secured Countdown Extension by Aditya_Singh
- SearchShop Extension, another Search Engine Extension by popovicstudios
- Devendra Weight on planet and star Extension by Earn_Money_Online (test extension)
- Text Alignment Extension by Boban Stojmenovic
- PasswordUtils Extension by devanshvinayak9
- Screen Timeout Extension by saurav_shaw612
- Bouncing View Animation Extension by nandu_aeer
- Navigation Extension by LetsCode. Note: this extension is obsolete, the navigation component now is available...
- Panel Extension by cedkim, a web admin panel
- ScanView - ZxingView Barcode Scanner Extension by Silver
- Hash Value Tools Extension by camargopellanda15 to return HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-SHA256 and HMAC-SHA512 hashes
- Euclid's Division Lemma Extension by Bharat Android App Development (Test Extension)
- Palindrome Checker Extension by newbiedeveloper aka sanjogitagupta16 (Test Extension)
- GST calculation Extension by KP8158 aka Kapil Patel (Test Extension)
- Number Formatting Extension by GuiM_Hares (Test Extension)
- Click Extension by Horacio_Spinelli
- Another MathCalc Extension by Sagnik_Chatterjee (Test Extension)
- MathUtils Extension by Muhammad_Mansuri aka App (Test extension)
- GAID (Google advertising id) Extension by Official_Ben10 to get user's GAID
- Doze Mode Extension by Dokolo to find out, if Doze Mode is supported
- Pythagoras Extension by samuelbeloni
- String Functions Extension by Pythony
- Extension to Send a SMS in another activity with default application by Seb1
- Extension to get Pi value in evaluated form by Raja_HarshVardhanSolanki (Test Extension)
- TextToMP3File Extension by Amlin
- All Thumbnail Downloader Extension by i4 Creator
- Unity ads Extension by uq_n
- Morse Code Extension by Kaustubh Rakhade (Test Extension)
- NFormat Extension by Edmilson Torres to format numbers based on language and country
- Modified Look Extension by AppInventor_Japan to work on more devices
- Color Extension by Sketch to blend two colors into one
- String Tools Extension by jiji_solaman (Test Extension)
- Utubedetails Extension by Nami_Chand to get Youtube video details
- CallHistory Extension distributed and maintained by Leul_Melaku, created by Salman_Dev
- Names Extension by Markus_Urban to predict some information about a name, such as age, nationality, gender
- Flip Countdown Extension by devcafeofficial
- EazzySheets Extension by Vishal_Nage, a basic Google spreadsheet extension
- Quiz Extension by abhishekchaubeypro
- MySQL Extension by Jishnu_Vardhan aka JVFACTSAPPDEVELPER(Test Extension) to insert a record in a specific table
- Create Circle Slider Progress Extension by Abdullah_Tawfeeq
- VideoImage Extension by egegvner (Test Extension) to get video image from given URL
- Email Otp Extension by Tiko_X
- FormulasV Extension by TekWizer (Test extension)
- Back To Phone Home Screen Extension by MJ_BUNNY_T.V
- CMath Extension by Nikhil8219
- Temperatur Converter Extension by Overall_General (Test Extension)
- InAppReview Extension by Aditya-Developer185i
- Math Tools Extension by SabpabCreator (Test Extension)
- Metadata Retriever Wrapper Extension by Michael_Mesanagrenos
- JSON Path Extractor Extension by markcurlinoski
- Email Sending Extension by Nakshtra_Musicals
- Youtube Thumbnail Extractor Extension by Abhinav_Ranjan
- New Timer Extension by fahim_shahoriar (another Wait Extension)
Please understand The model of event processing in App Inventor and its distributions before trying to use this extension... You might find out, that you not really need it...
Why is a wait procedure generally a bad idea?
- StatusBar Extension by Avijit
- Keystore Extension by jl9322 - Secure Encryption and Decryption
- B Arc Progress View Extension by Gaming_Tips
- JSON Extension by TRICKY_MIND
- Quick Shortcuts Extension by Joseph_Lee to make dynamic and pinned shortcuts
- Ironsource Ads Extension by Star3_sports
- AES Encrypt/Decrypt Extension by Alireza_Sharifi
- TMIC Extension by cgvw for the deployment of image classification models exported from Teachable Machine
- Mercado Pago Payment Extension by Andre_Lucas_Ferreira without Hosting
- Display Tools Extension by dennis_littawe1542
- MediaFire Extension by ashishthakoor58
- Hijri Date Extension by Groza95
- Auto Label Font Size Extension by Numan
- Get Filename without downloading Extension by Pryanshu_Sharma to get the headers of an url
- Google Chrome Cast Extension by Pety_Extensions
- Jazzcash Easypaisa Payu Paytm UPI bitcoin payment gateway Extension by virt_rtik (10 USD)
- Razorpay Extension by Gaurav_Bansal (12 USD)
- Image Utility Extension by BADCODE for async image loading, caching and scaling
- RandomQuotesGenerator Extension by aman_kumar1 (Test extension) to generate a random quote out of 5 quotes
- Random Password Generator Extension (ChatGPT) by Octocore
- Firebase Cloud Messaging Extension by Ezy_Aix (7 USD) to send notifications to your users
- Screen Orientation Fix Extension by MD_Sohel360
- Battery Optimizations Extension by MaretArt
- Fast2Sms Extension by ayan1 to send SMS, OTP etc.
- ASCII conversion Extension by Brahim_Hadj_Amor
- Xreg Regex Extension by danielmistura, PCRE regular expressions for App Inventor
- VPN Checker Extension by TachBabu
- Three simple text Extension by ROY_BIV: IndexOf, LastIndexOf and ReplaceFirst methods
- Asynchronous Loop Extension by Plus
- AES-256-CBC Encryption Decryption Extension by Fly_Creation
- Password Generator Extension by Adi
- Parsing JSON Extension by Jufrancy
- M3Colors Extension by Kanishka_Developer (7 USD), Material Design 3 Color Palette
- WaifuGen Extension by CodeVistaStudios
- Extension to get indoor position x,y based on beacon rssi by BIT, Bluetooth Innovation Technology,
reported by Michele_Fioretti here
- Noise formulas Extension by Theo_Jansen (unfortunately without documentation)
- Codeview Extension by TV_Serial_World (4 USD) a view to create powerful editors
- EmailMask Extension by mdrajuhosen990
- Lottie Animations Extension by tomasbarak
- Fonepay Qr Payment Extension for Nepal by Bishw_sh (499 Nepalese Rupees)
- Rapid API Extension by Satvik1 for Get and Post method
- LayoutSheet Extension by DO-FU
- Simple password encryption Extension by tabastea
- Sound Extension by Brabudu to vary the playback rate
- GPS DateTime Extension by adame_lahreche to retrieve current date and time based on location
- Round Number (not for decimal place) Extension by razalirambli (Test extension)
- ThMLT Extension by hridoyhb to make translation and text styling easier
- File Manager Extension by hadich
- 2024-06
Text to image using AI Extension by Rudransh_Shukla
- 2024-06
Media3 Extension by buxalikaloi, the upgraded version of Exoplayer, play media with Androidx Media
- 2024-06
Easy API Extension by Jacker_Net (3 USD), some kind of paid copy of the web component
- 2024-06
Add Line spacing to Textbox Extension by Sunil_Sharma_Patlamane
- 2024-07
Color Converter Extension by Nick68
- 2024-07
FixWebViewer Extension by Professional to fix webviewer crash when load html
This work by Pura Vida Apps
is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
with attribution (name=Pura Vida Apps and link to the source site) required.