See the App Inventor Extensions document about how to use an App Inventor Extension.
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Jul 3th, 2024: Version 1: initial version.
SMS Receiver extension.
Use this extension to receive SMS while your app is not running. You have 3 different possibilities to trigger an action after an SMS has received depending on property StartMode
Note: Displaying an app above the lockscreen (also known as full screen intent) requires for Android 14+ devices additionally full screen intent permission. After each app update this permission needs to be refreshed again! Its use is restricted: For apps targeting Android 14 (API level 34) or higher, apps that are allowed to use this permission are limited to those that provide calling and alarms only. You can use method HasFullScreenIntentPermission to check if your app has the permission; if not or if your app has not been approved for default enabling use of full screen intents you can use method AskForFullScreenIntentPermission to launch the settings page where users can grant the permission.
Required permissions: android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS, android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW, android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS,
android.permission.DISABLE_KEYGUARD, android.permission.WAKE_LOCK, android.permission.USE_FULL_SCREEN_INTENT
Note: To publish an app in Google Play using the sensitive permission RECEIVE_SMS might be a challenge. You have to find a good use case, see also here.
Returns/Specifies the notification color.
Returns/Specifies the SmallIcon for notification. Recommended size is 96x96.
StartMode after SMS has been received.
Possible values are: 1, 2 or 3. (1 = Only notification, 2 = Start Above Lock Screen or Notification, 3 = Start Always).
Returns true, if post notifications permission has been granted, else false. Required starting from API Level 33.
Ask for Post Notifications permission. Required starting from API Level 33.
If user likes to always start the app, special permission is required. Using this method, you can check, if the permission has been granted.
Open Appear On Top Settings to enable always starting the app. Required starting from API Level 23.
Returns true, if full screen intent permission has been granted, else false. Required starting from API Level 34.
Ask for Full Screen Intent permission. Required starting from API Level 34 for apps that did not complete the Google Play declaration
or have not been approved for default enabling use of full screen intents.
Cancel the current notification.
Blocks Screen1
Blocks LockScreen
The example app gives a short overview about its purpose and asks for 2 basic permissions to receive sms and post notifications
Depending on the start mode, further permissions are required. Both Start Modes "Start Above Lock Screen or Notification" and "Start Always" require Full Screen Alert permission. Start Mode "Start Always" requires Allways On Top permission.
Tested successfully on Samsung Galaxy A54 running Android 14 and Google Nexus 5X running Android 8.1.
You can buy this extension (aix file).
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to Pura Vida Apps
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I usually will send the download link not later than 24 hours after having received your payment.
Thank you! Taifun