App Inventor Extensions

Exif Extension

See the App Inventor Extensions document about how to use an App Inventor Extension.

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March 14th, 2019: Initial version


This extension enables you to for read and write Exif tags in a JPEG file or a RAW image file.
Supported formats are: JPEG, DNG, CR2, NEF, NRW, ARW, RW2, ORF, PEF, SRW, RAF and HEIF.
Thank you Andrew for being the sponsor of this extension!

Required permissions: none

Note: It is not possible to get or set values of image files in the assets of the app.

Note: With each new version the Android operation system gets more and more restricted. In Android 10 seems to be not possible anymore to get the GPS information from a picture.


Get all possible tags, see also the Android documentation.

Returns the value of the specified tag or empty string if there is no such tag in the image file.

Returns the double value of the specified tag. In case there is no value available, the default value will be returned.

Returns the integer value of the specified tag. In case there is no value available, the default value will be returned.

Set the value under the given tag. This method is only supported for JPEG files.

Example App: Exif Test

Note: the image picker copies the picked image into directory /Pictures/_app_inventor_image_picker. All modifications of exif values in the example app will be done on the copy of the image. To modify an exif value of the original image, you have to use the direct path to the image.


For questions about App Inventor,
please ask in the App Inventor community.Thank you.

Test the functionality of the Exif extension

The test app is available in Google Play. You can test the example following these steps

  1. Follow the opt-in URL to get access to the app and to be able to download it to your device. It might take a few hours for Google to enable you as beta tester!
  2. Start testing.

Buy the Exif extension for App Inventor

You can buy this extension (aix file).
With your payment you accept the terms and conditions below.

Payment options

1. Paypal

Please transfer 12 USD via Paypal
to Pura Vida Apps

2. Bitcoin

After having received your payment I will be happy to send the download link to you. Please let me know your Google account! I usually will send the download link not later than 24 hours after having received your payment.
Thank you! Taifun

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