See the App Inventor Extensions document about how to use an App Inventor Extension.
For questions about this extension or bug reports please start a new thread in the
App Inventor community. Thank you.
For feature requests please contact me by email.
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Mar 24th, 2016: Initial Version 1 for App Inventor version ai2extensions7 and Companion version 2.36cdk1
Apr 20th, 2016: Version 2: password protection added
Aug 11th, 2016: Version 2a: avoid DX execution failed error: build each extension separately
Feb 6th, 2024: Version 3: library update to version 2.11.5, ErrorOccurred event added, IsEncrypted, IsValid, ApplicationSpecificDirectory methods added
Note: This version is not compatible with previous versions. To update first remove the old extension, then import the new one.
Extension to zip/unzip files including password protection (AES 256 encryption).
Required permissions: android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
Thank you Detlef for being the sponsor of this extension!
Thank you Edmark for being the sponsor of the password protection!
Thank you Alexandre for being the sponsor of version 3!
This extension uses the Zip4j library. Thank you Srikanth!
Zip a directory.
Optionally use password to protect the zip file using AES 256 Encryption.
Unzip file.
Use password to unzip AES 256 password protected files.
Note: the extension is only able to unzip directories with the correct directory structure, which have been zipped in the root directory of the internal sdcard.
Thank you Horst.
Check if a zip file is valid. Note: This will only check for the validity of the headers and not the validity of each entry in the zip file.
Check if a zip file is password protected. In case an error occurred during checking the file, false will be returned.
Event indicating that a Zip has finished.
The created zip file name will be provided in parameter zipFileName
Event indicating that an Unzip has finished.
Parameter fileList will contain the list of files, which have been extracted.
Event indicating that an error occurred.
Developing and maintaining snippets, tutorials and extensions for App Inventor takes a lot of time.
I hope it saved some of your time. If yes, then you might consider to donate a small amount!
or donate some mBTC to Address:
Thank you! Taifun
Download TaifunZip extension (aix file)
Download Zip/Unzip test project (apk file)
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