App Inventor Extensions: Speech Recognizer | Pura Vida Apps

App Inventor Extensions

Speech Recognizer Extension

See the App Inventor Extensions document about how to use an App Inventor Extension.

For questions about this extension or bug reports please start a new thread in the App Inventor community. Thank you.

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Nov 5th, 2016: Version 1: initial version

July 18th, 2019: Version 2: Fixing the Supported Languages method for newer Android versions

Sep 15th, 2021: Version 2a: SDK30 fix to get list of supported languages


Speech Recognizer extension.
Required permissions: android.permission.INTERNET
Thank you Olibres for being the sponsor of this extension.

Note: This extension offers the functionality of the Speech Recognizer component.
Additionally the following blocks have been added:


Returns the language to use for speech recognition.

Specifies the language to use for speech recognition (as defined by BCP 47), for example 'en-US'. This tag informs the recognizer to perform speech recognition in a language different than the one set in the device.


Get list of supported languages.

Note: it has been reported, that this method does not work on Android 8.x devices, see also this thread in the App Inventor community. Unfortunately I was not able to find a solution for this. See also the comments in this stackoverflow answer.


Event indicating that language preference and list of supported languages have been received.

Example App


Tested successfully on Samsung Galaxy A51 running Android 11.

Questions and Answers

Q1: May I request for a function enhancement for Speech Recognizer Extension? I want the function in the this link. This will be very helpful in a noise area, I can press a button and speak, and then I release the button to stop listening, like what it done in whatsapp speech. Can you add this in the extension for me?
A: The speech recognizer component and also this extension use the Recognizer Intent class and that class unfortunately does not offer that functionality. Someone will have to write a completely new extension.

For questions about App Inventor,
please ask in the App Inventor community.Thank you.

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Thank you! Taifun

Download TaifunSpeechRecognizer extension (aix file)
Download Speech Recognizer Test (aia file)
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This work by Pura Vida Apps is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
with attribution (name=Pura Vida Apps and link to the source site) required.

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