See the App Inventor Extensions document about how to use an App Inventor Extension.
For questions about this extension or bug reports please start a new thread in the
App Inventor community. Thank you.
For feature requests please contact me by email.
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Mar 25th, 2016: Initial Version 1 uses AESCrypt-Android library
Aug 11th, 2016: Version 1a: avoid DX execution failed error: build each extension separately
Jan 27th, 2016: Version 2: now using library java-aes-crypto. Note: Version 2 is not compatible with Version 1!
There is a fundamental difference between Hashing and Encryption algorithms, see this stackoverflow answer: Hashing is one way. You can not get your data/string from a hash code.
Encryption is 2 way - you can decrypt again the encrypted string if you have the key with you.
In case you are interested in Hashing, for example to create a password hash, see my Tools Extension.
Extension to encrypt/decrypt strings.
Required permissions: none
This extension uses the java-aes-crypto library. Thank you!
"A simple Android class for encrypting & decrypting strings, aiming to avoid serious
cryptographic errors that most such classes suffer from."
Algorithm & Mode: chose: AES 128, CBC, and PKCS5 padding.
For details, see here.
Generate Salt.
generate salt
Q1: If I use the extension in a Play Store app, can someone identify and extract the password from the .apk by decompiling?
A: Usually you only store the salt inside your app. You might want to use TinyDB for that. Then you can use the password together
with the stored salt to generate the key to encrypt/decrypt the data.
Please be aware that if you store the password and salt in the same place that you store the encrypted data, your solution is not cryptographically sound
since the attacker can just get both the key and the encrypted text. Instead, you should consider generating the key from a password/passphrase and using that to encrypt the user data.
In case you really have to store the password inside the app, then at least use the Obfuscated text block from the text drawer to store the password
to have some additional security, you can also follow this Security Recommendation (valid for In App Billing, but generally a good idea):
It is highly recommended that you do not hard-code the exact public license key string value
as provided by Google Play. Instead, you can construct the whole public license key string at runtime from substrings, or retrieve it
from an encrypted store, before passing it to the constructor. This approach makes it more difficult for malicious third-parties
to modify the public license key string in your APK file.
Q2: Do you know where I can find a web site that will encrypt or decrypt something according to your algorithm?
I need to receive data on a server written in delphi, and what I found did not encrypt the same.
A: This extension uses the java-aes-crypto library from
Their library is a standalone library and is there is no compatible PHP or other library available!
Q3: My app needs to decrypt data received from an application server. The data is crypted in AES128 CBC and i know IV and password.
It's possible decrypt it with your extension?
A: No, because it uses a standalone library. This question is similar to Q2. The extension is able to decrypt data, which also has been encrypted by the extension.
The focus for this exension is App Inventor and its distributions like Appybuilder, Thunkable or Kodular.
Q4: If I encrypt data by this extension and send to my server... how can I decrypt this data through php?
A: Stefan aka Poisonous Whisper made a library that can do exactly what you want. The library can decrypt and encrypt text, using the same algorithm! For details see here: Thank you Stefan!
The test app is available in Google Play. You can test the example following these steps
You can buy this extension (aix file).
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I usually will send the download link not later than 24 hours after having received your payment.
Thank you! Taifun