App Inventor, API Access and Authentication

How to upload a file into your Dropbox Dropbox

Preparation: Create an App in Dropbox

This example uses version 2 of the Dropbox API. How to use the upload method see also the documentation.

First create an app in Dropbox. There are 2 different access types: access to the complete Dropbox of a user (access type = dropbox) or only to a specific folder (access type = sandbox). The demo uses the sandbox access type. You also might want to use the sandbox access type because of security reasons.

To keep it as simple as possible, we then Generate an access token using the "Generate" button and add the access token into the app, which means, all user will use that generated access token to upload their images into your Dropbox. No more hassle with OAuth! It's really that simple, see screenshots...

App Inventor Blocks



Questions and Answers

Q1: How to delete a file on Dropbox?
A: See this solution. Thank you Andreu.

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please ask in the App Inventor community.Thank you.


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Download Dropbox project (aia file) to test with your access token and your Dropbox
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